MOVING TO CANADA IS A JOKE…The Economic, Military, and Social Integration of North America

Eh? I can think of scores of reasons to move to Canada (or opt for the Mexican Riviera) . . . any place but Babylon the Great: The USA. The War in Iraq . . . or better yet: The entire Military-Industrial Complex sucking the life-blood out of Americana for starters. Or, how about the whole hedonistic culture of greed, avaricious appetites, and super sizing all things godly and ungodly–from Hollywood to Mega Churches; indeed, ours is a “city set on a hill which cannot be hid” but the closer you get to this glittering jewel, the more it resembles the “Little Shop of Horrors,” you know, that flesh-eating plant crying out: Feed me, Seymour! Conspicuous consumption of a nation which spends $1.8 Billion more each day than the whole earth combined and finds herself some $14 Trillion in debt (National Debt + Balance of Payment/Trade Debts) is a bit too much, wouldn’t you say?–after all, she represents but 5% of the world’s population.

Come on, half the eagle is in a declared state of emergency and the overt identification by Big Brother of all things human is prepared and/or is itching to pounce upon American liberties once thought sacrosanct by both the ACLU and the NRA by euphemistic legislation called Patriotic Acts, and finally, a cashless society where all of us are implanted with chips awaiting true identity and debit through scanning devices at your local Safeway.

The clock is ticking. Peak oil, where American’s “zero sum game” is played out–for you to gain I must loose–refuses to share her bounty with the Asian tigers of China and India; and, of course, they are more than pleased with our indulgence. Like Rome, our legions amongst the world’s “provinces,” are stretched thin–and the draft can’t be all that far off if we’re to maintain our economic edge and SUV-lifestyle (latest stats for the past two years show that 58% of all vehicles purchased in the USA are SUVs, pickups, or plain old gas guzzlers). And, as if these outrageous consequences weren’t enough to abandon ship–toss in the worst natural disaster ever to afflict the homeland: Katrina; man, wait till we finance that one!

So . . . isn’t it about time to flee to Canada or head for the Mexican Riviera? Eh? Canada’s a safe haven for pot-people and same-sex marriage is the rage. Crime’s relatively low compared to the lower 48 and the death penalty’s been outlawed for nearly thirty years. Finally, most of the 125,000 Viet-Nam Era draft dodgers who fled to Canada stuck around and now constitute the leading edge of all the above progressive life-style. Wow, we’re talkin’ about socialized medicine for all–a veritable paradise compared to the inflictions of them patriots down under. Cheap drugs (includes tons of cannabis), affordable housing, tiny military budget, etc., etc.–a little cold, but you’ll get used to it.

Finally, if Hollywood’s collective apoplexy over President Bush’s election can be believed–we’re outta here . . . a few of these righteous indignations (unfulfilled) are duly noted, if for nothing else, their entertainment value. Notwithstanding the Hollywood stars and directors who claimed exodus was their only option under Bush–Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Michael Moore, Robert Altman, Lynn Redgrave, Pierre Salinger (now deceased), and Cher–all found the allure of Babylon on the Hudson irresistible; so much for leftist vibratos. Misquoted or just plain fluff–they all abide within the walls of the crystal palace celebrating the party atmosphere, as they star in a movie sequel to the “Left Behind Series” entitled: Talk is Cheap, Follow Us.


Patriots would exclaim we’re selling off and out America; globalists would see dollars galore; socialists would see an on-going rip off; and a whole bunch of people in the middle could care less (a.k.a. “victims anonymous”).

Meanwhile Deanna Spingola in “Building a North American Community” (July 15, 2005) keeps telling it like it is:

“While our sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers having been spilling their blood in the sands of Iraq under the guise of restoring the country to the Iraqi citizens, our president is in the process of giving our country to the elite One World Order insiders. While our president is requiring protected borders in Iraq, he is obliterating, not only our southern, but our northern borders.”

Actually, Deanna (and you’ve got to read her entire article) is referring to the Bush/Fox/Martin meeting (USA/Mexico/Canada) held at Baylor University in Waco, Texas on 23 March 2005, where they were busy about establishing the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” – to wit, the SPPNA’s troika:

“We, the elected leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, have met in Texas to announce the establishment of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.

“Over the past decade, our three nations have taken important steps to expand economic opportunity for our people and to create the most vibrant and dynamic trade relationship in the world (i.e., NAFTA; my insert). Since September 11 2001, we have also taken significant new steps to address the threat of terrorism and to enhance the security of our people.

“But much still remains to be done. In a rapidly changing world, we must develop new avenues of cooperation that will make our open societies safer and more secure, our businesses more competitive, and our economies more resilient.

“Our Partnership will accomplish these objectives through a trilateral effort to increase the security, prosperity, and quality of life of our citizens. This work will be based on the principle that our security and prosperity are mutually dependent and complementary, and will reflect our shared belief in freedom, economic opportunity, and strong democratic values and institutions. It will also help consolidate our efforts within a North American framework, to meet security and economic challenges, and promote the full potential of our people, by reducing regional disparities and increasing opportunities for all.”


Now don’t go conspiratorial on me . . . hee-hee . . . don’t need to . . . let the truth speak for itself:

It was on May 17, 2005 the CFR formalized its “Independent Task Force” to review at length the parameters of such a three-pact agreement among the USA, Canada, and Mexico. This 31-member force de jure was chaired by John F. Manley, Pedro Aspe, and William F. Weld and vice-chaired by: Robert A. Pastor, Thomas P. d’Aquino, AndrĂ©s Rozental. Cooperating with the CFR’s efforts were the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales.

Indeed, the composite document released by the aforementioned is the very title of Spingola’s article . . .

No wonder that Spingola and other American patriots view this as the “Great American Give-a-way!”

Take a gander at their timid prognostications and guess why moving to Canada’s a joke . . .for what NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) could not destroy, FTAA (Free Trade Area/Agreement of the Americas . . . a.k.a. “Building a North American Community”) fully intends:

“We are asking the leaders of the United States, Mexico, and Canada to be bold and adopt a vision of the future that is bigger than, and beyond, the immediate problems of the present . . . they could be the architects of a new community of North America, not mere custodians of the status quo.” (Canadian co-chair, John P. Manley, Former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance).


Now, listen to Spingola’s assessment of all this–and, don’t think she’s some brainless Libertarian gone amok down in Texas somewhere . . .

“This basically means that Americans must give up their freedoms and hard won sovereignty along with all resources for the greater good of the ‘New Community.’ It is a socialistic equalization designed to make slaves of everyone in all three countries. This will occur as a result of the secret, subversive activities of our ruling elitist who have never sacrificed anything except their integrity. When it comes time to sell this socialistic venture, Bush will adopt his multipurpose ‘Christian’ stance and use every possible guilt maneuver to encourage this good hearted Christian country to open our hearts to the less fortunate. This is a ploy to make all of us less fortunate. There will be many who will fall for this scam under the pretext of Christianity. If we think Christians are media maligned now, just wait! We will be the most hated inmates in the camp!”

Wow! Powerful projections here, right? I’m sure we’ll somehow meet up with Spingola one day–if not in glory, then in some gulag cell contemplating how all of this got out of hand . . . I mean, if Shirley McClain went out on a limb, Spingola’s going out on a twig:

“All of this is done under the facade of protecting us – from terrorists? The worse terrorists we face are those who serve in our government. Another day that shall live in infamy, 9/11, has done much to serve the purposes of those whose main goal is to establish the One World Order. What an opportunistic event! It couldn’t have worked any better if they had planned it!”

O CANADA – VIVA MEXICO – Life is good!

Of course most Americans, Canadians, and Mexicans can’t stomach all of this unification at once; thus, the GREAT TRANSITION awaits us all:

Unified military command? Listen to what the CFR plans for your future:

1. Establish a common security perimeter by 2010.

2. Develop a North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers.

3. Develop a unified border action plan and expand border customs facilities.

The CFR web site is effusive in its sacrifice of sovereignty:

4. Create a single economic space:

5. Adopt a common external tariff.

6. Allow for the seamless movement of goods within North America.

7. Move to full labor mobility between Canada and the U.S.

8. Develop a North American energy strategy that gives greater emphasis to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases – a regional alternative to Kyoto.

Hey, and let’s shoot the gap – listen, we’re talkin’ INTEGRATION BIG TIME . . . and we’re not whistling Dixie (although we might permit that in the new North American Federation of United States as an expression of multiculturalism–harkening back to the good ole days when a different form of slavery abounded) . . . so, we might have to:

9. Review those sectors of NAFTA that were excluded.

10. Develop and implement a North American regulatory plan that would include “open skies and open roads” and a unified approach for protecting consumers on food, health, and the environment.

11. Expand temporary worker programs and create a “North American preference” for immigration for citizens of North America.

12. Spread benefits more evenly:

13. Establish a North American Investment Fund to build infrastructure to connect Mexico’s poorer regions in the south to the market to the north.

14. Restructure and reform Mexico’s public finances.

15. Fully develop Mexican energy resources to make greater use of international technology and capital.

16. Institutionalize the partnership:

17. Establish a permanent tribunal for trade and investment disputes.

18. Convene an annual North American summit meeting.

19. Establish a Tri-national Competition Commission to develop a common approach to trade remedies.

20. Expand scholarships to study in the three countries and develop a network of Centers for North American Studies.


Now, that doesn’t sound so bad–in point of fact, we can sort of ease ourselves into this new North American “framework.” Especially enlightening are the PROGRESSIVE comments of people like William F. Weld (another co-chair) former Governor of Massachusetts and U.S. Assistant Attorney General:

“We are three liberal democracies; we are adjacent; we are already intertwined economically; we have a great deal in common historically; culturally, we have a lot to learn from one another.”

Three democracies? Now, let’s not mince words like “Democracy” vs. “Republic” – we all know what we’re talking about here, right? ” . . . and to the Republic for which it stands.” Of course, that’s been turned into a prayer–so much for the Republic, and so much for allegiance! Oh well, we weren’t all cracked up to be much of a Republic anyway, right?

CFR’s been around since 1921 and Mexico/Canada duplicated these efforts in 1976 (Mexican Council on Foreign Relations and the Canadian Council of Chief Executives). CFR members frequently address House and Senate meetings who attempt to probe academia at the highest levels–and, of course, the CFR is right up there with the best (if not THE best) of them (you know, big bucks and all). Enter Dr. Robert A. Pastor, V-P, International Affairs Professor/Director, Center for North American Studies American University, speaking on the “Travel Initiative” within the Western Hemisphere.


Dr. Pastor (fourth Musketeer amongst the three) didn’t have to travel far . . . he simply sat there before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps and Narcotics Affairs on June 9, 2005 and quoted the CFR’s “Independent Task Force” (May 17, 2005) and their fine efforts to frame a new “Future of North America.”

In sum, Dr. Pastor accused the three nations of “small-mindedness” – and felt that in order to “secure the homeland” we shouldn’t zero in on U.S. interest; instead, let’s stop worrying about our borders with Mexico and Canada and let her rip! Let’s start thinking global here in North America.

First, let’s integrate the economies–we’re well on our way on that one; next, let’s get down socially, especially in light of 9/11 (terror, as in Nazi Germany, is a real catalyst for “positive change”); and, thirdly, let’s forge ahead and go beyond these petty terrorists to a create a massive North American Community–no-holds-bared thinking is needed around this bastion of isolationism! All for one and one for all . . . each benefiting from the other’s success, while avoiding our demise when we concentrate on our problems–that’s the ticket (whoops, travel-talk; no pun intended).

Pastor’s Center for North American Studies at American University is designed to think dynamically, think huge–let the tide rise and pick us all up! Feel the surge! As a CFR member, Pastor poured praise upon NAFTA–no big deal if a few jobs have gone south. In the totality of it all, we all benefit, for is not the dictum we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, or is it that some are more equal than others, or that some benefit more than others? Oh, well, we can work out the details later, because the War on Terror trumps all.

Sure, we all might have to work for lower wages and benefits for starters; and we might, if we want to hold up the current social order, work longer hours–but just think: More of us will be working–Dads, Moms, daughters, brothers, etc. And, once in a great while, we’ll be allowed to vacation–not bad, right?


During the latest round of Russian-American talks between Bush and Putin (this week, Sept. 11-17), the biggie was energy policy: How to secure Russian petroleum over the protestations of the Chinese and Indians? Energy–now that’s why the USA-Canada-Mexico deal is absolutely mandatory.

The lion’s share (58%) of our imported oil comes from Canada and Mexico anyway, right? So, isn’t it about time we awoke and smelled the roses? Economically, we’re integrated and America’s insatiable love with the automobile demands that we fully integrate the livin’ tar out of these economies. Canada is our biggest trading partner anyway–86% of all Canadian exports go to America, whereas 89% of Mexico’s go north–somehow we consume it all!

“Since the enactment of the North American Free Trade Agreement eight years ago, Mexico has surpassed Japan and has become the United States’ second-largest trading partner–Canada is the biggest. Thanks to the open trading borders, companies in all three countries have been stretching their reach throughout North America.” (Forbes, 2002).

What a difference a little time makes! Yep, ole NAFTA keeps workin’ its wonders. Now, over 40% of U.S. trade with Canada is intra-firm, that is, trade occurring between parts of the same firm operating on both sides of the border–and, that trade totals over $500 billion annually between the two. Insofar as Mexico is concerned, both nations are on line for $300 Billion for 2005! Thus, our little North American Free Trade Agreement is pressing in around $1 Trillion annually, import/export.

Pastor claims that 9/11 actually threatened to cripple “North American long-term integration.” Help me understand the problem, Dr. Pastor. For one little ditty, we went from 3 million illegals in the 1990s to 11 million today–we’re getting integrated in spite of your rhetoric!

So, the theory goes, Canada is rich in resources (and Mexico’s Gulf Oil too), and Mexico is rich in cheap labor–so can’t we all just get along? If we’re getting integrated economically, in any event, maybe we can all enjoy cheaper oil at the pumps–say, by the way, that bridge in Brooklyn is going for half off this weekend only! In conclusion–can’t we all just get along and drive off in our Hummers into Baja’s sunset or up through the Yukon’s wilderness?


“For nearly two years now, Ottawa has been quietly negotiating a far-reaching military cooperation agreement, which allows the US Military to cross the border and deploy troops anywhere in Canada, in our provinces, as well station American warships in Canadian territorial waters. This redesign of Canada’s defense system is being discussed behind closed doors, not in Canada, but at the Peterson Air Force base in Colorado, at the headquarters of US Northern Command (NORTHCOM).

“The creation of NORTHCOM announced in April 2002, constitutes a blatant violation of both Canadian and Mexican territorial sovereignty. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced unilaterally that US Northern Command would have jurisdiction over the entire North American region. Canada and Mexico were presented with a fait accompli. US Northern Command’s jurisdiction as outlined by the US DoD (Department of Defense) includes, in addition to the continental US, all of Canada, Mexico, as well as portions of the Caribbean, contiguous waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans up to 500 miles off the Mexican, US and Canadian coastlines as well as the Canadian Arctic.

“NorthCom’s stated mandate is to ‘provide a necessary focus for [continental] aerospace, land and sea defenses, and critical support for [the] nation’s civil authorities in times of national need.'”

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  • Surprise, surprise! You see, ever since FDR sprung his “attack on Canada is an attack on the USA,” and the Canadians reciprocated in 1938, this little military integration thing has really gotten serious. Maybe you thought NORTHCOM was just for the Canadians–apparently, the only guys squawking about it are them draft dodgers worried about Sam’s long reach. Don’t think we’re talking about a slight modification here for the Canadian Mounted Police and the Mexican Federales . . .

    Donald Rumsfeld postured that North America’s geographic command center (smack dab in the Middle of the USA) “is part of the greatest transformation of the Unified Command Plan since its inception in 1947.”

    Furthermore, as Army, Air, Naval, and Special Forces integrate, NATO and NORAD’s old frameworks are and will get a complete facelift–i.e., you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! To facilitate this shakeup (between the USA and Canada) a Binational Planning Group (BPG) now works in tandem with NORTHCOM (BPG is a mix of US and Canadian officers.). BPG has the following goals:

    o to share maritime surveillance and intelligence

    o to coordinate binational actions involving military and civil agencies

    o to design and conduct joint training programs and exercises.

    This means of naval and military integration came about in 2002 through the Canadian Department of National Defence (DND) who initiated the BPG. The BPG’s singular mission is to develop an “Enhanced Canada-US Security Cooperation with the US . . . starting with a simple two-year mandate, the BPG works alongside NorthCom and NORAD in Colorado Springs.”

    It won’t be long before the militaries of these alleged sovereign states are fully integrated. In sum, here’s what Americans who’ve just moved to Canada have to look forward to:

    “And ultimately what is at stake is that beneath the rhetoric, Canada will cease to function as a Nation . . .

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