Sagittarius Native: Combinations Giving Luxury, Wealth, Waterfront Property and Pleasures of Bed
For a Sagittarian, Jupiter and Mercury own all the four angular houses. While Jupiter owns the ascendant and the fourth house, Mercury owns the seventh and tenth.
According to the well known principle of astrology, a natural benefic owning two angular houses-if neither of them is ascendant; for, ascendant is an angular and trinal house, both-becomes blemished. Reason: any planet owning an angle forgets its natural tendency i.e. if it is a natural malefic-for example, Mars-it will forget its natural malefic tendency and its behaviour will correspond to its ownership of another house.
In this case, due to tenth (Virgo) ownership Mercury will shed its beneficial qualities and due to seventh (Gemini) ownership-seventh lord also inflicts death, at an appropriate time-it becomes functionally inauspicious.
We should know that in the natural zodiac ninth house (luck) belongs to Sagittarius; therefore, Jupiter is the sign of good luck. In everyday life, the happy-go-lucky, half man and half horse sign gets favoured by Dame Luck for one more reason; for Sagittarius ascendant, Leo is the sign of the ninth house. Its lord, the Sun is the significator of the first and ninth house. Hence, being the lord and significator of the ninth house it becomes doubly powerful to bestow the benefits of good luck, while Jupiter is the natural lord of the ascendant and good fortune. An exchange of the places between the two can make the native a very lucky person.
The Sun is also the significator of father; in the south Indian schools of astrology, the ninth house represents the father. It is for this reason that even if the Sun is in the eleventh house, in the sign of Venus-its fall-the flow of fortune from father’s side will not stop for this native.
There is one more special placement for this native: Saturn is the lord of the second (Capricorn) and third (Aquarius). As per a well known principle of Indian astrology, the lords of the second and twelfth houses do not give independent results. Their results correspond to the ownership of the other house. Therefore, as the lord of the second, Saturn will give the result of the third, which is a mildly malefic house. The presence of Saturn in the fifth house for this ascendant should be doubly bad; for it shall be in its fall, Aries and as a natural and functional malefic it will destroy the wealth and other indications of the fifth house of the native, thereby making him a pauper. But in actual fact it is otherwise: being the lord of the second house of wealth, it is placed fourth from the second house, which is very good; it is also third from mildly malefic third house in its fall, which is again very good (a bad planet in a bad shape give good results because of destruction of bad indications). It is for this reason a fifth Saturn makes this person wealthy.
Presence of Mars, the lord of the twelfth (Scorpio) and the fifth (Aries) in the fifth, links pleasures of bed with dating, and affairs (12th & 5th houses); if the Moon is also in the twelfth house in fall, as the lord of the eighth, its give the benefits of vipareet rajayoga (reverse ruling combination). This Moon, having the eighth, full aspect of Mars, in its sign Scorpio, creates a Neecha Bhang Yoga (cancellation of fall). This makes both Mars and the Moon capable of conferring excellent results. If Jupiter is also in the ninth in Leo, exchanging with the Sun in the ascendant, thus strengthening the ascendant; this, and placement of the Moon and Jupiter in angles from each other creates a mild Gajaksari Yoga. Besides, if Venus is in the eleventh, its own house, it can give income to buy waterfront property and make the life of luxury possible.
Placement of Venus in the sixth house of Taurus also creates luxury of bed possible by its full aspect on the twelfth (bed) house. If Venus is in exaltation in Pisces, the fourth house along with Jupiter, it creates a powerful Malavya, Hamsa and Lakshmi Yogas, bestowing regal paraphernalia on the native. If the second lord Saturn is also in the eleventh in exaltation, and other planets do not have very bad placements, the native shall be equivalent to an emperor. MalavyaYoga was present in the chart of John F Kennedy.
All the above combinations, even if not present in their entirety, are capable of conferring luxury, wealth, waterfront property and pleasures of bed on the Sagittarius native.